Live from the Finish Line: The 2011 Boston Marathon

As a BU student, I view the Boston Marathon aka Marathon Monday as more of a social event than a 26-mile road race. Apparently, I am not the only 22-year old with these sentiments:

Hillary Babick Facebook status

photo credit: Facebook

Melissa Aldape's tweet

photo credit: Twitter

Whenever I hear the word “social,” I first think of chatter in the online world and then its offline definition.  Following this train of thought, I wondered if the Boston Athletic Association (BAA) worked to translate the marathon’s offline hype to an online conversation?

First, I checked out the race’s website. My social media-loving heart melted. I discovered an interactive site filled with real-time updates. The homepage featured:

Additionally, BAA used Facebook and Twitter to engage with its audience. 

With 9,598 followers, 36,632 fans, approximately 25,000 participants and 500,000 spectators, the Boston Marathon is definitely social online and off.

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