Tag Archives: Don Draper

The Power of Evocative Images in Ads

For my dad’s 60th birthday, my aunt converted old, family photos from screens to DVD. When my aunt and dad referred to the screen and carousel, they asked me if I knew what these terms meant? My only point of reference was the Mad Men Kodak carousel episode, in which ad man Donald Draper pitches a campaign to a toe-dipping Kodak Co. for their new line of “wheel projectors.”

His devastatingly poignant delivery showcases the evocative power of photographs. This scene coupled with the picture of my dad and his older brothers reminded me of the intense emotions an image can elicit.

Screen photo

From Left to Right: My Dad, Uncle Mike and Uncle David

The natural “awe” reaction made me think about advertising campaigns that use images to evoke a powerful emotion or reaction.

1) The “Seek Truth” Campaign

Created by Arnold Worldwide, these print ads urged kids to seek out the truth® behind what they’re being told by Big Tobacco. The gruesome images make me cringe.

Seek Truth campaign

2) Abercrombie & Fitch 

Sex sells. Abercrombie & Fitch is a testament this truism. The retail store uses party-loving jocks and barenaked ladies living fantasy lives to attract impressionable adolescents. You walk into the store and are immediately exposed to skin. These racy images scream sex.

Abercrombie & Fitch ad Abercrombie and Fitch

3) Benetton Pieta 

United Colors of Benetton ventured into controversial territory in 1991 with the publication of “Pieta”, a photographic expose of the reality of AIDS. The photo of AIDS activist David Kirby was taken in his room in the Ohio State University Hospital in May 1990, with his father, sister and niece at his bedside. Taken by Therese Frare this photo is filled with sorrow, pain and suffering. 

Benetton Pieta

4) Levi’s America “Go Forth” 

Created by Wieden + Kennedy, this commercial features the American poet Walt Whitman and lines from his 1888 poem “America.” The audio is the original recording of Whitman’s real voice used in the Levi‘s spot. The audio paired with the black and white images arouse a patriotic feeling.

5) Coke Creatures: Viral Summer 2009 Dance Party 

Created by Mother London, this entertaining viral video features a dance party inspired by gremlin-like creatures who love Coca Cola. When hearing the catchy beat and seeing the carefree dancers with odd yet cuddly creatures, you can’t help but smile.

12 BU Advertising Majors explore NYC Ad Agencies

Spring Break 2011 WOO!

Although not the typical booze cruise most envision when I say the phrase “Senior Year Spring Break,” I, along with 11 other ad junkies, ventured to the big city to explore the glitz and glam of Madison Ave.*

BU Ad students at BBDO Boston University Advertising Professors, Tobe Berkovitz and Christopher Cakebread, organized visits to six leading agencies in NYC:

In an effort to spot a Don Draper look-a-like, I flip cammed most of the trip. After meticulously  reviewing the footage, I concluded that Don Draper flew to Punta Cana with the rest of BU for the week. Sad days.

Good news though! As a result of my quest, I stumbled upon some great advice from ad industry insiders as well as my classmates’ reactions to the agency visits. Take a look!

*Disclaimer: None of the agencies were actually located on Madison Ave, but the spaces were super swanky and creative. More on the decor in my next post.