Tag Archives: Glee

Gleeks and Tweets

Glee cast

To all my fellow Gleeks and Twitter fanatics, this post goes out to you.

Now for the obvious question following my attempt at a Kanye West-esque shout out: What do a popular sitcom and a social networking site have in common?

Simple answer: the characters.

Twitter is similar to the hallways of Glee’s William McKinley High School.  Each Glee character represents a certain type of tweeter:

Brittany Pierce

  • the social butterfly who @ replies to everyone

Sue Sylvester

  • the outspoken, self-proclaimed personal therapist who always shares his or her opinion of your situation

Will Schuester

  • the “professor type” who provides useful links and retweets

Noah Puckerman and Santana Lopez

  • the bully who is searching for a twight (twitter fight)

Rachel Berry

  • the self-absorbed egoist who tweets their own horn day and night

Mike Chang

  • The shy listener that follows everyone but rarely tweets

Principal Figgins

  • the authoritative figure who roams the twittersphere (aka a brand’s community manager)

While each of these characters has a distinct personality, they have a commonality– Glee club. Glee is their community. Similarly, you may  follow a diverse set of people and have an eclectic following. They are your community.

Each relationship serves a different need. The Brittany Pierce in your twittersphere proves a good conversationalist while the Will Schuester provides useful links to keep you informed on the latest news.

To your community, which Glee character are you?