Tag Archives: Google

Google’s +1 Feature and Tim McGraw: I like it.

Last Wednesday, Google announced that it is adding a new feature to its search engine that lets you “like” search results— the “plus-one.”

When I first read about this feature, Tim McGraw’s song “I like it, I love it” instantly popped into my head. Instead of recording myself singing this chorus, I figured your eardrums would appreciate hearing Tim McGraw’s vocals as opposed to my melodious shrieks.

You may be wondering how my prefrontal cortex made the connection between Google’s +1 feature and Tim McGraw? I’m not really sure, but I can attempt to make sense of my stream of consciousness.

Thought #1: The “plus-one” feature is Google’s version of the Facebook “like” button.

With this plus-one (+1) feature, Google is attempting to compete against social networking sites like Facebook. According to AdAge, the first time a user clicks on a +1  button, he or she will be prompted to create a Google profile, as well as be given the opportunity to adjust privacy settings.

Thought #2: How does the +1 button affect SEO?

With this new functionality, the powerhouse of search has further delved into social search. This is the first time Google has added a direct social signal into search results. Eventually, Google will integrate the +1 into the search algorithm, so users’ votes will have an impact on search ranking.

Thought #3: How does this feature affect PPC?

My interactive marketing class will be happy to hear that Google is adding the ability to vote +1 on paid search ads.

Thought #4: If I start “plussing” who sees it?

According to AdAge, I can vote to +1 results I find useful and share that preference with my friends in Gchat, Gmail, Google Reader, Buzz and, soon, Twitter. If I “plus” a result, I will see the total number of +1 votes and the names and photos of my friends who have “plussed” the same search result or ad.

Thought #5: Google’s +1 really reminds me of Tim McGraw’s song “I like it, I love it.”

The web is turning into a virtual abyss for praise. With the “like” button popping up on various social networking sites, I feel like vehemently pressing the “like” or “plus-one” button on all results and pages for Chick-fil-A and yelling “I like it. I love it. I want some more of it.”